Contoh Agen Cerdas

Contoh Agen Cerdas

1. Agent Taksi Otomatis
Sebuah agent taksi otomatis yang menerima penumpang dan mengantarkannya ke tujuan

  • Performance measure: keamanan, kecepatan, legalitas, kenyamanan perjalanan, keuntungan.
  • Environment: jalanan, lampu merah, lalulintas, pejalan kaki, cuaca.
  • Actuators: stir arah, gas, rem, klakson, sinyal kiri/kanan.
  • Sensors: kamera, sonar, speedometer, GPS, odometer, accelerometer, mesin sensor, keyboard.

2. Agent Sistem Diagnosis Medis

Sebuah agent sistem yang mendiagnosa pasien secara otomatis

  • Performance measure :kesembuhan pasien, biya murah, tidak menyalahi hukum
  • Environment : pasien, rumah sakit, suster, dokter
  • Alat (Actuators) : layar monitor (pertanyaan, test, perawatan, rujukan).
  • Sensors : keyboard (masukan gejala penyakit, jawaban pasien)

Referensi :

Definisi dan Konsep Agen Cerdas

Definisi dan Konsep Agen Cerdas

Agen Cerdas
Agen adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat dipandang sebagai entitas pada suatu lingkungan yang mengamati melalui alat sensor dan bertindak melalui alat aktuator. Agen cerdas merupakan agen yang ditanamkan kecerdasan yang dimiliki oleh seorang manusia sehingga agen tersebut dapat melakukan hal-hal yang memerlukan kecerdasan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh manusia.

Sifat Agen

A. Rasional
Sebuah agen haruslah mengarah kepada “lakukan hal yang benar”. Berdasarkan kepada apa yang dapat dipahaminya dan tindakan yang dapat dilakukannya. Tindakan yang benar adalah tindakan yang akan menyebabkan agen tersebut paling berhasil.
Agen rasional: untuk setiap deretan persepsi yang mungkin, sebuah agen rasional hendaklah memilih satu tindakan yang diharapkan memaksimalkan ukuran performance-nya, dengan adanya bukti yang diberikan oleh deretan persepsi dan apapunpengetahuan terpasang yang dimiliki agen itu. Rasionalitas berbeda dari omniscience (tahu segala/all-knowing dengan pengetahuan tak berhingga).

B. Autonomy
Agen dapat melakukan tindakan untuk memodifikasi persepsi masa depan sedemikian hingga dapat memeroleh infoemasi yang berguna (pengumpulan informasi, eksplorasi). Sebuah agen adalah otonom (autonomous) apabila perilakunya ditentukan oleh pengalamannya sendiri (dengan kemampuan belajar dan beradaptasi).

C. Reactivity
Dengan menggabungkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki dengan pengetahuan yang didapat dari lingkungannya, agen dapat menyimpulkan aspek lingkungan yang tersembunyi sebelum melakukan tindakan yang selektif. Agen Berbasis Pengetahuan bersifat fleksibel, mereka dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan lingkungan dan memperbarui pengetahuan yang relevan.

Konsep Perancangan Agen Cerdas

Rasional dapat didefinisikan sebagai: melakukan hal yang benar. Agen rasional melakukan hal yang benar berdasarkan percept apa yang ditangkap dan tindakan (action) apa yang diambil. Tindakan yang tepat adalah tindakan yang akan menyebabkan agen menjadi yang paling sukses.
Beberapa hal yang perlu ditekankan:

  • Rasionalitas berbeda dari omniscience (serba tahu/mengetahui semua dengan pengetahuan tak terbatas).
  • Agen dapat melakukan tindakan dalam rangka untuk mengubah persepsi masa depan untuk memperoleh informasi yang berguna (pengumpulan informasi, eksplorasi).
  • Sebuah agen dikatakan otonom jika perilaku agen ditentukan oleh pengalaman sendiri (dengan kemampuan untuk belajar dan beradaptasi).

Pengukuran kinerja: Sebuah kriteria obyektif untuk mengukur keberhasilan suatu perilaku agen
Misalnya, mengukur kinerja dari agen vacuum-cleaner :

  1. Jumlah kotoran dibersihkan,
  2. Jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan,
  3. Jumlah listrik yang dikonsumsi,
  4. Jumlah kebisingan yang dihasilkan, dll

Pengukuran kinerja haruslah dapat dinyatakan dalam ukuran kuantitatif. Kata “jumlah” mengindikasikan suatu ukuran kuantitatif/terukur. Untuk setiap urutan persepsi (percept sequence) yang ada, agen rasional harus memilih tindakan yang diharapkan untuk memaksimalkan ukuran kinerjanya.

Tujuan (Goal): Setelah menentukan criteria obyektif (seperti diatas), pilih salah satu tujuan untuk menjadi fokus utama dari agen. Goal adalah tujuan utama yangberusaha dicapai oleh agen (prioritas utama)

Konsep utama perancangan agen cerdas/rasional dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan PEAS yang merupakan singkatan dari:Performance measurement, Environment, Actuators, Sensors. PEAS harus ditentukan sebelum desain agen cerdas. Berdasarkan informasi PEAS, kita benar dapat merancang agen untuk memenuhi tujuan yang ingin dicapai.Sebagai contoh, misalnya tugas merancang sebuah sopir taksi otomatis. Definisikan PEAS agen cerdas tersebut seperti berikut:
·         Performance Measure: Aman, cepat, legal, perjalanan nyaman, memaksimalkan keuntungan
·         Environment: Jalan, lalu lintas lainnya, pejalan kaki, pelanggan
·         Aktuator: Setir, pedal gas, rem, sinyal, klakson
Jenis Linkungan Agen Cerdas
Jenis lingkungan tempat agen cerdas bekerja dapat ditinjau dari beberapa aspek (berikut aspek yang menjadi lawannya,) bergantung lingkungan dimana agen tersebut berada. Aspek-aspek lingkungan adalah:

  • Sepenuhnya teramati vs Sebagian teramati: Lingkungan sepenuhknya teramati jika sensor mendeteksi semua aspek yang relevan dengan pilihan action. Sebuah sensor agen memberikan akses ke keadaan lengkap lingkungan pada setiap titik waktu. Lingkungan sebagian teramati karena sensor berisik dan tidak akurat.
  • Deterministik vs Stokastic: Keadaan berikutnya lingkungan sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh keadaan saat ini dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh agen. (Jika lingkungan deterministik kecuali untuk tindakan agen lain, maka disebut lingkungan strategis).
  • Episodik vs Sekuensial: Pengalaman agen dibagi menjadi “episode” atom (setiap episode terdiri dari: agen mengamati (percept) dan kemudian melakukan tindakan tunggal), dan pilihan tindakan di setiap episode hanya bergantung pada episode itu sendiri.
  • Statis vs Dinamis: Lingkungan berubah, agen tidak perlu terus mencari pada lingkungan untuk memutuskan sesuatu. Pada lingkungan dinamis terus meminta agen apa yang ia ingin lakukan.
  • (Lingkungan semidinamis jika lingkungan itu sendiri tidak berubah dengan berlalunya waktu namun skor kinerja agen berubah)
  • Diskrit vs Kontinu: Jumlah state/tindakan untuk mencapai goal terbatas (diskrit), persepsi yang jelas dan tindakan yang terhingga. (misalnya, catur – diskrit, mengemudi taksi – kontinyu).
  • Agen tunggal vs agen multi: Seorang agen yang beroperasi dengan sendirinya dalam suatu lingkungan.

Referensi :

Sistem Cerdas

Sistem Cerdas

A. Definisi
     Kecerdasan Buatan atau Sistem cerdas atau Intelegensi Buatan atau Artificial Inteligence merupakan cabang terpenting dalam dunia komputer. Komputer tidah hanya alat untuk menghitung, tetapi diharapkan dapat diberdayakan untuk mengerjakan segala sesuatu yang bias dikerjakan oleh manusia. Manusia mempunyai pengetahuan, pengalaman dan kemampuan penalaran dengan baik, agar komputer bisa bertindak seperti dan sebaik manusia, maka komputer juga harus dibekali pengetahuan dan mempunyai kemampuan untuk menalar.

Berikut adalah pengertian sistem cerdas/kecerdasan buatan menurut para ahli :
  • Kecerdasan Buatan adalah ilmu rekayasa yang membuat suatu mesin mempunyai intelegensi tertentu khususnya program komputer yang “cerdas” (John Mc Cathy, 1956).
  • Kecerdasan buatan merupakan kawasan penelitian, aplikasi dan intruksi yang terkait dengan pemrograman komputer untuk melakukan sesuatu hal yang dalam pandangan manusia adalah cerdas. (H.A Simon, 1987).
  • Kecerdasan buatan merupakan kawasan penelitian, aplikasi dan intruksi yang terkait dengan pemrograman komputer untuk melakukan sesuatu hal yang dalam pandangan manusia adalah cerdas. (H.A Simon, 1987).
  • Kecerdasan merupakan bagian kemampuan komputasi untuk mencapai tujuan dalam dunia. Ada bermacam-macam jenis dan derajat kecerdasan untuk manusia, hewan dan mesin.
  • Kecerdasan buatan merupakan sebuah studi tentang bagaimana membuat komputer melakukan hal-hal yang pada saat ini dapat dilakukan lebih baik oleh manusia. ( Rich and Knight, 1991).
  • Kecerdasan buatan (AI) merupakan cabang dari ilmu komputer yang dalam mempresentasi pengetahuan lebih banyak menggunakan bentuk symbol-simbol daripada bilangan, dan memproses informasi berdasarkan metode heuristic (Metode Heuristik adalah teknik yang dirancang untuk memecahkan masalah yang mengabaikan apakah solusi dapat dibuktikan benar, tapi yang biasanya menghasilkan solusi yang baik atau memecahkan masalah yang lebih sederhana yang mengandung atau memotong dengan pemecahan masalah yang lebih kompleks.) atau dengan berdasarkan sejumlah aturan.( Encyclopedia Britannica).
  • Kecerdasan adalah kemampuan untuk belajar atau mengerti dari pengalaman. Memahami pesan yang kontradiktif dan ambigu, menanggapi dengan cepat dan baik atas situasi yang baru, menggunakan penalaran dalam memecahkan masalah dan menyelesaikannya secara efektif (Winston dan Pendergast, 1994).
B.  Karakteristik Sistem Cerdas

Karakteristik system cerdas :
  • Memiliki fasilitas informasi yang handal.
  • Mudah dimodifikasi.
  • Dapat digunakan dalam berbagai jenis komputer.
  • Memilki kemampuan untuk belajar beradaptasi.
  • Bekerja secara sistematis berdasarkan pengetahuan dan mekanisme tertentu.
  • Dapat menalar data-data yang tidak pasti dan memberikan beberapa alasan pemilihan.
  • Dikembangkan secara bertahap dan terbatas pada bidang keahlian tertentu saja.
  • Outputnya yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan apa yang kita harapkan.
Mempunyai satu atau lebih sifat:
  • Mampu mengekstrak dan menyimpan pengetahuan.
  • Proses penalaran seperti manusia.
  • Pembelajaran dari pengalaman (atau Training).
  • Berurusan dengan ekspresi tidak tepat/teliti dari fakta.
  • Menemukan solusi melalui proses mirip evolusi alami.
Tren Terkini? Interaksi yang lebih canggih dengan pengguna melalui:
  • Pemahaman bahasa Alami.
  • Pengenalasan dan Sintesis bicara (speech).
  • Analisis citra (image).
Kebanyakan sistem cerdas saat ini berbasis pada
  • Sistem pakar berbasis aturan.
  • Satu /lebih metodologi dalam soft computing.
Referensi :

Artificial Intelligence

AI (Artifical Intelligence)

A. Definisi
Artificial Intelligence atau AI dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya Kecerdasan Buatan yaitu kecerdasan yang ditunjukkan oleh suatu entitas ilmiah. Kecerdasan dibuat dan dimasukkan ke dalam suatu mesin/ komputer supaya bisa melakukan pekerjaan seperti yang bisa dikerjakan oleh manusia. Contohnya adalah kemampuan untuk menjawab diagnosa dan pertanyaan pelanggan, perencanaan dan penjadwalan, pengendalian, serta pengenalan tulisan tangan, suara dan wajah. Hal-hal seperti itu telah menjadi disiplin ilmu tersendiri, yang memusatkan perhatian pada penyediaan solusi masalah di kehidupan yang nyata. Terdapat macam-macam bidang yang menggunakan kecerdasan buatan diantaranya yaitu: game komputer, sistem pakar, jaringan syaraf tiruan, logika fuzzy dan robotika.

B. Sejarah
       - Era komputer elektronik (1941)

Ditemukannya pertama kali alat penyimpanan dan pemrosesan informasi yang disebut komputer elektronik. Penemuan ini menjadi dasar pengembangan program yang mengarah ke AI.

     - Masa persiapan AI (1943-1956)

1. Tahun 1943, Warren McCulloch dan Walter Pitts berhasil membuat suatu model saraf tiruan di mana setiap neuron digambarkan sebagai ‘on’ dan ‘off’. Mereka menunjukkan bahwa setiap fungsi dapat dihitung dengan suatu jaringan sel saraf dan bahwa semua hubungan logis dapat diimplementasikan dengan struktur jaringan yang sederhana.

2. Pada tahun 1950, Norbert Wiener membuat penelitian mengenai prinsip-prinsip teori feedback. Contoh terkenal adalah thermostat.

3. Pada tahun 1956, John McCarthy meyakinkan Minsky, Claude Shannon, dan Nathaniel Rochester untuk membantunya melakukan penelitian dalam bidang automata, jaringan saraf, dan pembelajaran intelijensia. Mereka mengerjakan proyek ini selama 2 bulan di Universitas Dartmouth. Hasilnya adalah program yang mampu berpikir non-numerik dan menyelesaikan masalah pemikiran, yang dinamakan Principia Mathematica. Hal ini menjadikan McCarthy disebut sebagai father of Artificial Intelligence/ Bapak Kecerdasan Buatan.

     - Awal perkembangan (1952-1969)

1. Pada tahun 1958, McCarthy di MIT AI Lab mendefinisikan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi yaitu LISP, yang sekarang mendominasi pembuatan program-program AI. Kemudian, McCarthy membuat program yang dinamakan programs with common sense. Di dalam program tersebut, dibuat rancangan untuk menggunakan pengetahuan dalam mencari solusi.

2. Pada tahun 1959, Program komputer General Problem Solver berhasil dibuat oleh Herbert A. Simon, J.C. Shaw, dan Allen Newell. Program ini dirancang untuk memulai penyelesaian masalah secara manusiawi. Pada tahun yg sama Nathaniel Rochester dari IBM dan para mahasiswanya merilis program AI yaitu geometry theorem prover. Program ini dapat mebuktikan suatu teorema menggunakan axioma-axioma yang ada.

3. Pada tahun 1963, program yang dibuat James Slagle mampu menyelesaikan masalah integral tertutup untuk mata kuliah Kalkulus.
Pada tahun 1968, program analogi buatan Tom Evan menyelesaikan masalah analogi geometri yang ada pada tes IQ.

     - Perkembangan AI melambat (1966-1974)
Perkembangan AI melambat disebabkan adanya beberapa kesulitan yang di hadapi seperti  Program-program AI yang bermunculan hanya mengandung sedikit atau bahkan tidak mengandung sama sekali pengetahuan pada subjeknya, banyak terjadi kegagalan pada pembuatan program AI, terdapat beberapa batasan pada struktur dasar yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan perilaku intelijensia.

     - Sistem berbasis pengetahuan (1969-1979)
Pada tahun 1960an, Ed Feigenbaum, Bruce Buchanan, dan Joshua Lederberg merintis proyek DENDRAL yaitu program untuk memecahkan masalah struktur molekul dari informasi yang didapatkan dari spectometer massa. Dari segi diagnosa medis juga sudah ada yang menemukan sistem berbasis Ilmu pengetahuan, yaitu Saul Amarel dalam proyek computer ini biomedicine. Proyek ini diawali dari keinginan untuk mendapatkan diagnosa penyakit berdasarkan pengetahuan yang ada pada mekanisme penyebab proses penyakit.

     - AI menjadi sebuah industry (1980-1988)
Industralisasi AI diawali dengan ditemukannya sistem pakar yang dinamakan R1 yang mampu mengkonfigurasi sistem-sistem komputer baru. Program tersebut mulai dioperasikan di Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), McDermott, pada tahun 1982. Pada tahun 1986, program ini telah berhasil menghemat US$ 40 juta per tahun. Pada tahun 1988, kelompok AI di DEC menjalankan 40 sistem pakar. Hampir semua perusahaan besar di USA mempunyai divisi Ai sendiri yang menggunakan ataupun mempelajari sistem pakar. Booming industry Ai juga melibatkan perusahaan-perusahaan besar seperti Carnegie Group, Inference, IntelliCorp, dan Technoledge yang menawarkan software tools untuk membangun sistem pakar. Perusahaan hardware seperti LISP Machines Inc., Texas Instruments, Symbolics, dan Xerox juga turut berperan dalam membangun workstation yang dioptimasi untuk pembangunan program LISP. Sehingga, perusahaan yang sejak tahun 1982 hanya menghasilkan beberapa juta US dollar per tahun meningkat menjadi 2 milyar US dollar per tahun pada tahun 1988.


     1. Siri

SIRI adalah salah satu voice assistants yang dibuat oleh perusahaan Apple untuk produk smartphone, laptop, dan desktop mereka. Interface SIRI adalah komputer dengan aktivasi suara yang ramah dan kita berinteraksi dengannya pada kegiatan sehari – hari. SIRI dapat membantu untuk mencari informasi, memberikan arahan, membuat penjadwalan, mengirim pesan dan masih banyak lagi. SIRI menggunakan teknologi machine learning untuk dapat semakin pintar dan memprediksi lebih baik dalam memahami bahasa kita melalui pertanyaan dan permintaan.

     2. Alexa

Alexa adalah salah satu voice assistants milik perusahaan Amazon yang disematkan dalam alat pintar seperti smart-lamp, smart-speaker, smart-watch, smart-tv dan smartphone. Alexa dibuat untuk menjadi inti dari integrase rumah cerdas (smart home). Alexa dapat menafsirkan pembicaraan dari berbagai sudut sebuah ruangan (ruangan dimana Alexa berada) dan menerjemakannya menjadi perintah yang dapat membantu kita menjelajah web untuk informasi, membuat jadwal, mengatur alarm, mendengarkan musik dan jutaan hal lainnya.

     3. Tesla

Tesla adalah salah satu perusahaan Otomatif yang menanamkan AI pada beberapa produk mobilnya. Salah satu fitur AI terkenal pada mobil tesla yaitu memungkinkan mobil dikemudikan secara otomatis. Selain itu software pada mobil Tesla dapat diupdate secara over-the-air.

     4. Pengenal wajah Facebook

Facebook menggunakan sembilan lapisan dalam jaringan saraf dengan lebih dari 120 juta parameter untuk menandai orang dalam foto secara otomatis. Jaringan saraf tersebut dilatih menggunakan lebih dari 4 juta data gambar wajah, dan memiliki tingkat akurasi 97%

Referensi :

Eagles - Hotel California Lyrics

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night.

There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
'This could be heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face.
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year) you can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain,
'Please bring me my wine'
He said, 'we haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say"

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face.
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise), bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'

Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing Lyrics

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Hoobastank - The Reason Lyrics

I'm not a perfect person
There's many thing I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new

And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Passenger - Let Her Go Lyrics

Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies

'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
Love comes slow and it goes so fast
Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep

'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Oh oh oh no
And you let her go
Oh oh oh no
And you let her go

Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go

'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

The Cranberries - Zombie Lyrics

Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaking?
But, you see it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head
They are fighting

With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head in your head they are crying

In your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie, ei, ei
What's in your head?
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh do do do do do do do do

Another mother's breaking
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken

It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head
They're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying

In your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie, ei, ei
What's in your head?
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ei ei oh

Simple Plan - Perfect Lyrics

Hey, Dad, look at me
Think back, and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I want to do?
But it hurts when you disapproved all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for
You can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change me

'Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care any more
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's all right

'Cause we lost it all
And nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
And nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you
But you don't understand

'Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

'Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Green Day - 21 Guns Lyrics

Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, twenty one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty one guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, twenty one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty one guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, twenty one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty one guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,

One, twenty one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty one guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away Lyrics

Never feared for anything
Never chained but never free
A light that healed the broken heart
With all that it could

Lived a life so endlessly
Saw beyond what others see
I tried to heal your broken heart
With all that I could
Will you stay?
Will you stay away forever?

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
Place and time always on my mind
I have so much to say but you're so far away

Plans of what our futures hold
Foolish lies of growing old
It seems we're so invincible
The truth is so cold

A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid at rest
Now and then I try to find
A place in my mind
Where you can stay
You can stay awake forever

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
Place and time always on my mind
I have so much to say but you're so far away

Sleep tight I'm not afraid (not afraid)
The ones that we love are here with me
Lay away a place for me (place for me)
'Cause as soon as I'm done I'll be on my way
To live eternally

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
Place and time always on my mind
And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay
When I have so much to say and you're so far away

I love you, you were ready, the pain is strong and urges rise
But I'll see you when He let's me
Your pain is gone, your hands untied

So far away
And I need you to know
So far away
And I need you to, need you to know

Calum Scott - You Are The Reason Lyrics

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

There goes my hand shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe

And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason, oh
(I don't wanna fight no more)
(I don't wanna hurt no more)
(I don't wanna cry no more)
(Come back, I need you to hold me closer now)
You are the reason, oh
(Just a little closer now)
(Come a little closer now)
(I need you to hold me tonight)

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

21 Savage - Bank Account Lyrics

I buy a new car for the bitch (for real)
I tear down the mall with the bitch (for real)
You can't even talk to the bitch (no)
She fucking with bosses and shit (oh God)
I pull up in 'Rari's and shit, with choppers and Harley's and shit (for real)
I be Gucci'd down, you wearing Lacoste and shit (bitch)
Yeah, Moncler, yeah, fur came off of that, yeah (yeah)
Triple homicide, put me in a chair, yeah (in jail)
Triple cross the plug, we do not play fair, yeah (oh God)
Got 'em tennis chains on and they real blingy (blingy)
Draco make you do the chicken head like Chingy (Chingy)
Walk in Neiman Marcus and I spend a light fifty (fifty)
Please proceed with caution, shooters, they be right with me (21)
Bad bitch, cute face and some nice titties
Seventy-five hunnid on a Saint Laurent jacket (yeah)
Bitch, be careful where you dumpin' your ashes (bitch)
I ain't no sucker, I ain't cut for no action (nah)
The skreets raised me, I'm a ho bastard (wild, wild, wild, wild)
I bought a 'Rari just so I can go faster (skrrt)
Niggas tryna copy me, they playin' catch up (21)
I might pull up in a Ghost, no Casper (21)
I been smoking gas and I got no asthma

I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight M's in my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight shooters ready to gun you down, yeah (fast)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)

Yeah, dog (huh yeah) nah for real dog (21)
Straight up out the 6, now got a house in the Hills, dog (21)
Wanna see a body, nigga? Get you killed dog (wet)
Wanna tweet about me, nigga? Get you killed dog (wet)
Killed dog, I'm a real dog (21) you a lil' dog (21)
Be a dog, wanna be a dog, chasing mil's dog (yeah)
Dunk right in your bitch like O'Neal, dog (wet)
Yes I shoot like Reggie Mill', dog (21)
Chopper sting you like a eel, dog (fast)

I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight M's in my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight shooters ready to gun you down, yeah (fast)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)

Ruler clips, send a ruler hit
Pull up on your bitch, she say that I got a ruler dick
Spray your block down, we not really with that ruh-rah shit
Glock cocked now, I don't really give no fuck 'bout who I hit
Yeah, your bitch, she get jiggy with me
Keep that Siggy with me
Bitch, I'm Mad Max, you know I got Ziggy with me
Keep a mad mag in case they wanna get busy with me
'Rari matte black and I got a Bentley with me

I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight M's in my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
In my bank account, yeah (oh God)
I got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight shooters ready to gun you down, yeah (fast)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)
Ready to gun you down, yeah (oh God)

Seventy-five hunnid on a Saint Laurent jacket (yeah)
Bitch, be careful where you dumpin' your ashes (bitch)
I ain't no sucker, I ain't cut for no action (nah)
The skreets raised me, I'm a ho bastard


Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage Lyrics

So I arrived, naked and cold
A welcomed change from the abeyance of a ghost town catacomb
No need for counsel I appreciate the time I’m not alone
(Why don’t you get my lawyer on the phone)

There were days these child eyes
Would overlook the ugliness and fantasize
I found my heart for the first time and I awakened in me
I left myself to navigate, and oh I felt control
(It seems these sheep have quite an appetite)

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?

As the boy became a man
In came a calm sophistication I can hardly understand
So lost in ego, didn’t notice when the time had slipped away
(Yeah, everybody’s got a sob story)

Jesus Christ, was born to die
Leave it to man to levitate his own to idolize
We’re simply sociopaths with no communication baby
I see your angle but we differ from our points of view
(So tell me, what’s your cross to bear?)

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?
Tell me a lie in a beautiful way
I believe in answers just not today
Hope my wheels don’t abandon me now,
Seeing that I’m out here alone
I’m running out of fight
And the wind speaks a comforting voice,
Guiding me to her arms
Mother, I’m alright

It took the birth of sin to snake-rattle the mind
Before a blow to the head by the gavel of time
To wake up
Won’t you wake up?
When did the walking apes decide that nuclear war
Was now the only solution for them keeping the score?
Just wake up
Can’t you wake up?

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?
Tell me a lie in a beautiful way
I believe in answers just not today


XXXTENTACION - Jocelyn Flores Lyrics

I know you so well, so well
I mean, I can do anything that he can
I've been pretty

I know you're somewhere, somewhere
I've been trapped in my mind girl, just holding on
I don't wanna pretend there's something, we're nothing
I've been stuck thinking 'bout her, I can't hold back

I'm in pain, wanna put ten shots in my brain
I've been tripping 'bout some things, can't change
Suicidal, same time I'm tame
Picture this, in bed, get a phone call
Girl that you fucked with killed herself
That was this summer and nobody helped
And ever since then, man, I hate myself
Wanna fucking end it
All wanna see me with no pot to piss in
But niggas been excited 'bout the grave I'm digging
Having conversations about my haste decisions
Fucking sickening
At the same time, memory surfaced through the grapevine
'Bout my uncle playing with a slipknot
Post traumatic stress got me fucked up
Been fucked up since a couple months they had a nigga locked up

I be feeling pain, I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same, I'm so numb
I be feeling pain, I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same, I'm so numb

I know you so well, I know you well
I mean, I can do anything that he can
I've been pretty

Interesting Facts about Drums and Drumming

  • Drums were with us from the dawn of mankind. First as natural objects that we could hit, but later made as real drums, with membranes made of skins of animals.
  • Modern configuration of drum sets become in use during first years of 20th century. Before that musical bands used more than one person to control drums in orchestras.
  • Brushes that create softer drum sound were used in drumming ever since 1920s.
  • Drums are the most important part of the rhythm section of any band.
  • Many bands around the world are famous not only by their singers or composers, but by the style of their drummers.
  • Popular drum manufacturer Ludwing became famous for their first product - foot-pedal for tarp drums.
  • Modern shape of drum kit was formed during 1930s.
  • Average drum sets has 5 pieces – bass drum, snare drum, two toms, and floor tom. Several cymbals are also used (crash, hi-hat and ride).
  • Drummers have to use all four of their libs to play different drums.
  • First medieval drum kits were created in 1700s, after drums became foundation of rhythm sections of large orchestras.
  • Skills that every modern drummer needs to have are limb independence, eye-hand coordination and good sense of rhythm.
  • Drums were extensively used in military, but this practice came to Europe only after Crusades in 12th century.
  • Drumming burns more calories in half hour session than cycling, weight lifting and hiking.
  • Drumming is the oldest musical activity.
  • People of Africa and India used drums for long range communication between villages.
  • Recreational playing of drums lowers stress hormones in our body.
  • Drums can be classified as Acoustic, Electric and World (traditional) drums.
Source : historyofdrums

Interesting facts about guitars

  • The world guitar was adopted in England after they heard about Spanish instrument named “guitarra”.
  • There are two basic types of guitars – Acoustic and electric, all with many sub categories.
  • The look of modern guitar was established by Spanish guitarist Antonio Torres Jurado.
  • One of the oldest guitar instruments was chitara, which was used in Ancient Rome.
  • Guitars were always constructed with hollow bodies, until electric guitars came and made that design choice obsolete.
  • The oldest guitars came from Persia (modern day Iran), where they were called Tanbur. That was around 3500 years ago.
  • The oldest graphical representation of stringed guitars comes from 3300 Hittite ruins.
  • One of the most popular stringed guitars in medieval Europe was Lute.
  • Gibson made his first electric guitar in 1936.
  • In 1400 AD, Europe become home of one of the most influential guitar types ever made – Vihuela.
  • Guitars were not the most popular instruments in the world until early 1900s. Before that, pianos, violins and flute were much more widespread.
  • During middle ages, guitars were used almost exclusively as rhythm instruments.
  • There are many types of guitars – Classical, Electric, mixed, 12 strings, arch top, Steel, flamenco, resonator, double-necked and many more.
  • According to many sources, one of the most influential guitar players of all time was Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970).
  • Names of ancient guitars – Gitarre, Chitara, Kithara, Sithar, Gutarra, quitare, qitara.
  • Some of the most popular guitar manufacturers are Gibson, Dean, PRS, Ibanez, Jackson, Fender, Martin and Gretsch.
  • Electric guitars have electromagnetic pickups that convert string vibrations into electrical signals. These signals can be then amplified, modified via vacuum tubes, and reproduce on electric speakers.
  • Basic components of guitar – Headstock, neck, nut, fretboard or fingerboard, frets, truss rod, strings and inlays.
  • Guitar accessories are – Capotasto, Slides and Plectum (guitar picks).
  • Most expensive guitar ever sold was Eric Clapton's "Blackie" Stratocaster ($959,500 in 2004).

How Powerful is Indonesian Military?

We should not underestimate the strength of Indonesia’s military power. The Indonesian Armed Forces or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (abbreviated as TNI) encompasses the army (TNI Angkatan Darat or TNI-AD), the navy (TNI Angkatan Angkatan Laut or TNI-AL) and the air force (TNI Angkatan Udara or TNI-AU).

While the main task of the TNI is to defend the nation, it also carries other non-military tasks such as providing rescue team in the case of natural disasters, peacekeeping force in conflict zones and even contributing as teachers in border area.

Based on a report by, Indonesia’s military power is currently ranked 14 of 133 countries. TNI’s power index score is the highest in Southeast Asia and on the 8th position in Asia, after superpowers Russia, China, India, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, South Korea, and Pakistan. The strength of the Indonesian military is reinforced by the 975,750 active and reserve military personnel.

The same website reported that Indonesia’s military budget is at USD 6.9 billion annually, which ranked 30 of 133 countries. While the Indonesian air force is equipped by 441 aircrafts, the army has 418 combat tanks, 1,089 armored fighting vehicles, 117 artilleries, and 86 rocket projectors. The Indonesian Navy owns 221 naval assets, including submarines, corvette warships, and mine warfare vessels.

TNI is not only equipped with sophisticated military equipment, it also strives to train its personnel in achieving high military capability. The Kopassus, which is Indonesia’s army Special Forces is trained to perform high-risk and extreme activities. In one such extreme training, its personnel reportedly have to crawl and camouflage in mud, while being showered by real bullets. Kopassus personnel, being a member of a special military unit, must be able to conduct special military missions that require fast response against enemy forces. In 2008, Discovery Channel Military reportedly ranked Kopassus as the third strongest elite force in the world.

Meanwhile, the TNI-AD has also gained notable achievements internationally. One of its latest achievements include becoming the general champion in an international shooting competition organized by the Australian Army of Skills Arms at Meeting (AASAM). The Indonesian army obtained 28 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze medals at the competition in May 2017, according to Sindonews report. As a matter of fact, the Indonesian army is a long-time champion of shooting competitions organized by the AASAM since 2008. In these competitions, the army would regularly utilize guns that are made by PT. Pindad, Indonesia’s armor company.

Although the Indonesian military forces rarely fight in a war (and hopefully will never have to), the people can be well assured that the military is powerful enough to defend the country.

Source : globalindonesianvoices

Top 5 Most Spoken Languages

1. Chinese

 Numbers vary widely — Ethnologue puts the number of native speakers at almost 1.2 billion native speakers, roughly a billion of whom speak Mandarin — but there’s no doubt it’s the most spoken language in the world. If you wish to learn a language that one in six people in the world speak, this is the one for you. Seeing as Chinese is a tonal language that uses logograms, it will certainly keep you busy.

2. Spanish

If we were only to look at native speakers, Spanish has its nose in front of English with about 400 million speakers. If you want a language that will open up whole continents to you, Spanish is your best bet. As with all the languages on this list, the politics of language and associated identity are highly disputed: ask Catalan or Quechua speakers if Spanish is their local tongue and you will get a very different answer. But it is certainly the primary language of most of South and Central America, Spain, and, ahem, large swathes of the US.

3. English

If you’re reading this article, you may be one of the 360 million-odd native English speakers, or one of the half a billion people who speak it as a second language. This indicates the remarkable success of English as the lingua franca of business, travel and international relations. The relative ease with which English can be picked up (especially compared with Chinese) and the pervasive soft power of US culture means that English will continue to dominate the world stage. For some, English is still synonymous with opportunity and a better quality of life.

4. Hindi

India has 23 official languages, with Hindi/Urdu chief among them. Whether this is one language — Hindustani — or two dialects, is still fiercely debated. Spoken mainly in northern India and parts of Pakistan, Hindi uses devnagri script, while Urdu uses Persian notation. At the time of writing, the debate about its role in Indian education and society has once again flared up: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist, is seeking to have Hindi displace English in the southern Indian states as the primary language of official communication and education, a strategy that has been met with resistance. If you ever travel in the Indian subcontinent, a little Hindi will get you a long way. Plus, this is the language that gave us shampoo, jungle, jodhpurs and bungalow — what’s not to love?

5. Arabic

Recent numbers put Arabic at around 250 million native speakers. But this is another instance of numbers not telling the full tale: Arabic, like Chinese, is so vastly different in its respective dialects as to be effectively a number of languages, grouped as one for the sake of convenience. Modern Standard Arabic is a primarily written form, closely related to the Classical Arabic of the Quran. However, the spoken forms of Arabic in, say, Oman and Morocco are so different that a couple of philosophy professors from these countries might be able to discuss the finer points of the ancient texts while struggling to order lunch.

Source : babbel

Top 5 Most Expensive Houses

1. Buckingham Palace

Location: London
Value: $1.55 billion
Details: Technically still a house, but certainly not for sale, the Queen’s residence was valued at roughly $1.5 billion by the Nationwide Building Society in 2012. The property holds 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 bedrooms, 188 staff rooms, 92 offices, and 78 bathrooms.

Owner: The British Sovereign—Currently Queen Elizabeth II, who has ruled since February 6, 1952.

2. Antilia

Location: Mumbai, India
Value: $1 billion
Details: The Antilia isn’t even really a home in the traditional sense. This 27-story, 400,000-square-foot building has six underground parking floors, three helicopter pads, and requires a 600-person staff just to maintain it.

Owner: Mukesh Ambani—India’s richest man, with a net worth of $23.6 billion, according to Forbes. Ambani made his money running Reliance Industries, an energy and materials company.

3. Villa Leopolda

Location: Cote D’Azure, France
Value: $750 million
Details: This 50-acre estate includes “a commercial sized green house, a swimming pool and pool house, an outdoor kitchen, helipad, and a guest house larger than the mansions of most millionaires,” according to Variety. The house was famously used as a set in the 1955 Hitchcock classic To Catch a Thief.

Owner: Lily Safra—A Brazilian philanthropist and widow of Lebanese banker William Safra. Her husband died when another one of the couple’s homes burned down, apparently due to arson.

4. Four Fairfield Pond

Location: Sagaponack, New York
Value: $248.5 million
Details: This 29-bedroom home sits on 63 acres and has its own power plant. Inside, there are 39 bathrooms, a basketball court, bowling alley, squash courts, tennis courts, three swimming pools, and a 91-foot long dining room.

Owner: Ira Rennert—Owner the Renco Group, a holding company with investments in auto manufacturing and smelting. He also has holdings in metals and mining.

5. 18-19 Kensington Palace Gardens

Location: London
Value: $222 million
Details: Another property on Billionaires Row, 18-19 sits alongside the home of Prince William and Kate Middleton. This particular residence has 12 bedrooms, Turkish baths, an indoor pool, and parking for 20 cars.

Owner: Lakshmi Mittal—The head of Arcelor Mittal, the world’s largest steel manufacturer, and, according to Forbes, one of the 100 richest men in India.

Source :

Top 5 Most Expensive Cars

1. Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita

Underneath the lustrous finish lies a 4.8-liter, dual-supercharged V8 with a total output of 1,004 hp and 797 lb-ft, which means it should have little to no trouble overtaking semis on the freeway. The car’s specifications — in both performance and price — are nearly comical at this point, and just three were ever made.

Alex Todd Brand Manager at BoxyMo commented "The 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe was sold for $8.7 million in 1987. That and many others won’t be included in this list, they are no longer available in the market."

2. Lamborghini Veneno

The car is absolutely stunning from every angle, and to this day, we’re not convinced it isn’t an alien spacecraft surveying our planet for eventual takeover. It just doesn’t seem real. The only thing more remarkable than the look is the price — a whopping $4.5 million.

3. W Motors Lykan Hypersport

You may recall the Lykan Hypersport it's around $3.4M from its starring role in the blockbuster Furious 7, where the Lebanese supercar crashed through not one, not two, but three skyscrapers in Dubai. In a franchise filled with high-end exotics and one-off custom creations, the fact that the Hypersport got so much focus is a testament to its magnetism.

4. Mansory Vivere Bugatti Veyron

This list wouldn’t be complete without some version of the mighty Bugatti Veyron. We’re shining our spotlight on the the Mansory Vivere edition here, because not only is it one of the fastest cars in the world, it’s one of the most expensive it's around $3.4M.

5. Ferrari F60 America

The supercar is mechanically identical to the F12, but the Berlinetta isn’t exactly a Fiat Panda to begin with. Its 6.2-liter V12 churns out 740 glorious hp, enough to propel the car to 60 mph in only 3.1 seconds. The ultra-rare flag-waver hearkens back to Ferrari’s bespoke past, as the company built several region-specific sports cars in the 1950s and 1960s and it's around $2.5M.

Source :

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Top 5 Most Expensive Dogs

1. Löwchens

Löwchens also known as “little lions” are small, long-haired dogs that have been recognized as a breed since the Renaissance. Löwchens are widely noticed on many prominent Renaissance paintings, the breed was very popular with nobleman. Löwchens are extremely rare now, by the 19th century Löwchens are virtually extinct. The rarity of the Löwchen will fetch upwards to $10,000 dollars in some locations!

2. Samoyed

The Samoyed is a breed of dog that takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with the herding, and to pull sleds when they moved. These dogs are playful competitive, strong and alert. Expect to pay upwards to $8,000-$10,000 for a Samoyed.

3. Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a Tibetan dog breed. Originating with the ancient nomadic cultures of China, Nepal and Tibet, its use by local tribes of Himachal Pradesh was to protect sheep from predators. Tibetan Mastiff is one the largest and most protective breeds in the world. These dogs can be as tall as 33 inches and reach up to a whooping 160 pounds. The price for certain breeds is up to $7,000!

4. Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is a breed of dog and the national hound of Malta. Its native name is Kelb tal-Fenek in Maltese, which means “Rabbit dog”. The dog is traditionally used for hunting rabbits in the Maltese Islands. Pharaoh Hound possesses a very royal look, high intelligence and athletic disposition. Some Pharaoh Hound bloodlines can reach upwards of $6,500!

5. Akita

The Akita is a large breed of dog originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. There are two separate varieties of Akita: a Japanese strain, commonly called “Akita ken” in Japan, “Akita Inu” (“inu” means “dog” in Japanese), or “Japanese Akita”; and an American strain, known as the “Akita” or “American Akita”. The Japanese strain comes in a narrow palette of colors, with all other colors considered atypical of the breed, while the American strain comes in all dog colors. The Akita has a short double-coat similar to that of many other northern spitz breeds such as the Siberian Husky, but long-coated dogs can be found in many litters due to a recessive gene. The price can go as high as $4,500 for certain Akita breeds.

Source : thedogdigest

Penerapan ITSM Pada Salah-Satu Kerangka Kerja

Pengertian ITIL

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) adalah framework publik yang mendeskripsikan best practices dalam manjemen pelayanan TI. Framework ini menyediakan kerangka kerja bagi pemerintahan dalam bidang IT dan berfokus pada pengukuran secara lanjut dan perbaikan kualitas layanan TI yang disampaikan, baik dari perspektif bisnis dan pelanggan. Fokus ini merupakan faktor utama dalam keberhasilan ITIL di seluruh dunia dan memiliki kontribusi untuk penggunaan yang produktif dan manfaat utama yang diperoleh oleh organisasi
adalah menyebarkan teknik dan seluruh proses organisasi.

Manfaat ITIL
Adapun manfaat dari menggunakan best practice IT Infrastructure Library versi 3, yaitu:
a. Meningkatkan kepuasaan user dengan layanan TI.
b. Memperbaiki ketersediaan layanan, yang secara langsung mengarah pada peningkatan keuntungan pada bisnis dan pendapatan.
c. Menghemat keuangan dari pengurangan segi pengerjaan ulang, kehilangan waktu, dan peningkatan sumber daya manajemen dan penggunaan.
d. Meningkatkan waktu di pangsa pasar untuk produk baru dan layanan.
e. Meningkatkan pengambilan keputusan dan optimasi resiko.

Service Lifecycle pada ITIL
Kelima bagian ITIL dikenal dengan sebutan Siklus Layanan TIIL. Secara singkat, masing-masing bagian dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

A. Service Strategy
Service Strategy merupakan fase merancang, mengembangkan dan menerapkan manajemen pelayanan sebagai sumber daya strategis. Proses-proses yang dicakup dalam Service Strategy, diantaranya adalah:
  1.  Service Portfolio Management
  2.  Financial Management
  3.  Demand Management

B. Service Design
Pada Service Design dijelaskan bagaimana tahap desain pengembangan layanan TI yang sesuai, termasuk arsitektur, proses, kebijakan dan dokumen; tujuan desain adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis saat ini dan masa depan . Proses-proses yang dicakup dalam Service Design yaitu:
  1. Service Catalogue Management
  2. Service Level Management
  3. Supplier Management
  4. Capacity Management
  5. Availability Management
  6. IT Service Continuity Management
  7. Information Security Management

C. Service Transition
Pada Service transition menyediakan fase mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan untuk transisi dari layanan baru dan dimodifikasi untuk produksi. Proses-proses yang dicakup dalam Service Transition yaitu:
  1. Transition Planning and Support
  2.  Change Management
  3.  Service Asset & Configuration Management
  4.  Release & Deployment Management
  5.  Service Validation
  6.  Evaluation
  7.  Knowledge Management

D. Service Operation
Service Operation, yaitu fase mencapai efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam menyediakan dan mendukung pendukung untuk memastikan nilai bagi pelanggan dan penyedia layanan. Proses-proses yang dicakup dalam Service Transition yaitu:
  1. Event Management Incident Management
  2.  Problem Management
  3.  Request Fulfillment
  4.  Access Management

E. Continual Service Improvement
Continual Service Improvement, yaitu fase menciptakan dan memelihara nilai untuk pelanggan dengan perbaikan desain, dan pengenalan layanan dan operasi.

Service Design
Service Design adalah tahap dalam service lifecycle secara keseluruhan dan merupakan elemen yang penting dalam proses perubahan bisnis. Peran Service Design dalam proses perubahan bisnis dapat didefinisikan sebagai:“Desain layanan TI yang tepat dan inovatif, termasuk desain arsitektur, proses, kebijakan dan dokumentasi, untuk mempertemukan kebutuhan bisnis saat ini dan masa depan yang telah disepakati”.

Tujuan Service Design
Tujuan dari Service Design adalah untuk:
a. Service Design untuk memenuhi pendapatan dari bisnis yang telah disepakati
b. Proses desain untuk mendukung service lifecycle
c. Mengidentifikasi dan mengelola risiko
d. Desain yang aman dan tangguh untuk infrastruktur IT, lingkungan, aplikasi dan data atau informasi sumber daya dan kemampuan.
e. Metode pengukuran desain dan metrik.
f. Memproduksi dan memperbaiki rencana, proses, kebijakan, standar, arsitektur, kerangka kerja dan dokumen untuk mendukung solusi desain IT yang berkualitas.
g. Mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan dalam IT.
h. Memberikan kontribusi pada peningkatan secara keseluruhan kualitas layanan TI.

Metodologi Penelitian

      1.      Tahap Inisiasi Awal Penelitian
      Tahap ini merupakan tahap awal dalam melakukan penelitian.
      2.      Tahap Perancangan Kuisioner
      Tahap ini merupakan tahap untuk melakukan persiapan sebelum dilakukan penilaian tingkat kesiapan, meliputi persiapan mengenai penentuan responden yang akan mengisi kuisioner, identifikasi terhadap bagian-bagian apa saja yang akan dinilai, dan juga perancangan kuisioner Service Design.

      3.      Tahap Penilaian Tingkat Kesiapan
Pada tahap ini dilakukan pengisian kuisioner langsung.

      4.      Tahap Analisis dan Rekomendasi
      Pada tahap ini dilakukan analisis terhadap tingkat kesiapan Service Design pada perusahaan sesuai dengan standarisasi ITIL versi 3, untuk mengetahui sampai di level mana kesiapan perusahaan dalam mengelola proses-proses Service Design atau bisa juga dijadikan tolak ukur sejauh mana kesiapan perusahaan apabila ingin menerapkan ITIL versi 3 pada Service Design.

      5.      Tahap Kesimpulan dan Saran
Pada tahap ini merupakan tahap akhir dari penelitian yang berisikan kesimpulan dan saran. Kesimpulan berisikan rangkuman berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dengan menjabarkan poin-poin yang bias membantu perusahaan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi Service Design di perusahaan saat ini agar bias melakukan evaluasi dan perbaikan. Sedangkan saran berisikan poin-poin untuk membantu pembaca agar penelitian selanjutnya berjalan lebih baik.

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