While the main task of the TNI is to defend the nation, it also carries other non-military tasks such as providing rescue team in the case of natural disasters, peacekeeping force in conflict zones and even contributing as teachers in border area.
Based on a report by GlobalFirepower.com, Indonesia’s military power is currently ranked 14 of 133 countries. TNI’s power index score is the highest in Southeast Asia and on the 8th position in Asia, after superpowers Russia, China, India, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, South Korea, and Pakistan. The strength of the Indonesian military is reinforced by the 975,750 active and reserve military personnel.
The same website reported that Indonesia’s military budget is at USD 6.9 billion annually, which ranked 30 of 133 countries. While the Indonesian air force is equipped by 441 aircrafts, the army has 418 combat tanks, 1,089 armored fighting vehicles, 117 artilleries, and 86 rocket projectors. The Indonesian Navy owns 221 naval assets, including submarines, corvette warships, and mine warfare vessels.
TNI is not only equipped with sophisticated military equipment, it also strives to train its personnel in achieving high military capability. The Kopassus, which is Indonesia’s army Special Forces is trained to perform high-risk and extreme activities. In one such extreme training, its personnel reportedly have to crawl and camouflage in mud, while being showered by real bullets. Kopassus personnel, being a member of a special military unit, must be able to conduct special military missions that require fast response against enemy forces. In 2008, Discovery Channel Military reportedly ranked Kopassus as the third strongest elite force in the world.
Meanwhile, the TNI-AD has also gained notable achievements internationally. One of its latest achievements include becoming the general champion in an international shooting competition organized by the Australian Army of Skills Arms at Meeting (AASAM). The Indonesian army obtained 28 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze medals at the competition in May 2017, according to Sindonews report. As a matter of fact, the Indonesian army is a long-time champion of shooting competitions organized by the AASAM since 2008. In these competitions, the army would regularly utilize guns that are made by PT. Pindad, Indonesia’s armor company.
Although the Indonesian military forces rarely fight in a war (and hopefully will never have to), the people can be well assured that the military is powerful enough to defend the country.
Source : globalindonesianvoices